Wednesday, November 7, 2012

My two cents on politics and the election

I typically refrain from any sort of political posts, but I’ll throw this in. I am so blessed to live in a two party democracy. I strongly support a particular political party. I believe in the direction this party wants the country to go. I believe this party’s values align most closely with mine. That being said, I think that members of my party sometimes say and do stupid things. And my political party holds views on certain issues that I strongly disagree with. But overall, this is the party that I support.

Even still, I do not think everyone should feel the same way as me. I think a two party system is healthy. It keeps any particular viewpoint from being too extreme. It keeps power in check, as the founding fathers hoped. Theoretically it should lead to compromise (although lately it seems politicians have lost this ability and instead settle for deadlock, but I digress). The very nature of a two party system is that there will be two opposing views. And that is good. That is the point of a democracy. I have my political views, but I’m so glad that that many people have different views. I’m so glad we were all created uniquely, with different views and experiences. Diversity in person and diversity in opinion is how God created us, and it’s beautiful.

We should welcome the opportunity to hear other people’s views, and be accepting, not judgmental. I’ll be the first to admit, when I hear comments or read Facebook statuses that I strongly disagree with, I can be the first to judge.  I admit I often need to keep an open mind and welcome other people’s opinions. I hope we all strive to be welcoming of people with different ideas, and not look down on those of the ”other” political party. Healthy discussion of opposing opinions, different ideas on issues, and friendly, open minded debate is healthy.  Being judgmental, close minded, or offensive is not. I’m so blessed to live in a country where we have a right to a vote. The right to vote represents so much more than just checking a box, and those all over the world would love to have the freedoms we do. This morning I am grateful that we all have the right to vote, both republicans and democrats.

I don’t think God is a democrat, I don’t think God is a republican. Before the election, I prayed for God to guide each American in voting as He wanted them too, believing that this would look different for every person. I have to remember that government is only our human way of dealing with an imperfect society.  I have to remember that American politics and government and laws are temporary. Our God is eternal. I need to remember what is important, and what is really worth my passion and energy. No matter who is president, Jesus is Lord.

My favorite image of the election:

Alright, thanks for hearing me out, friends, and that's all the public political discussion you'll hear from me! I think we can all unite on the fact that the election is over with, as are the political ads and phone calls :)  Have a good week!

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